Carpet Stretching is a professional service that involves “stretching” the carpet back into place onto the existing or new tack strips.

Carpet Cleaners come across lots of carpets with “sags”, these sags can be caused by improper installation, to much heat during a prior clean, or from pushing furniture around a room.

The first thing you need to do when stretching a carpet is to remove all the furniture from the room. You will never get a good stretch if the room is not empty during the stretch.

The next thing that happens is to inspect the tack strips to see if they can be reused or need to be replaced.

After the tac strip is fixed or repaired the carpet cleaner will use a kicker tool to use his or her knee to kick the carpet back onto the tack strip removing the seams and bubbles from the carpet. Sometimes multiple sides will need to be reworked in order to get the best stretch.

After a stretch good light steam clean from Clean Floors Carpet Cleaning.